Pro Profile – Dan Boozan

Where are you based?
Boulder, CO
What are your favorite outdoor sports?
Climbing, Skiing, and working on getting back into trail running.
What inspired you to get involved in the outdoor industry?
In the beginning I needed a way to pay for all the bike parts I was breaking and to support a budding gear addiction. As time has gone on it is the intersection of the activities I love, great people, and cool toys that have kept me involved.

Tell us about one of your best days outside.
The one that jumps to mind was when I summited the Grand Teton in 2014. It was one of my first real alpine climbing days and at the time I held some trepidations if I would even be able to do it. In the end I was able to reach the summit and in the process I reconnected with myself on a level I thought were lost to me after I got hurt. The whole day was even more special be cause of the people I was with and the location we were in!
For a cool video on that day check out the film a Grand Pursuit currently making its way around the adventure film circuit.
What’s the best thing about being a Paradox Sports ambassador?
The people. I tell people this a lot but when I started climbing and doing work with Paradox Sports I found my people and was welcomed into a fantastic community. The climbing community as a whole is very welcoming to adaptive athletes and I think we take it even further at Paradox Sports.

What’s one of your bucket list items?
Summiting all of Colorado’s 14ers.
What pieces of gear do you love right now and would recommend to others?
Just recently picked up a pair of La Sportiva TC Pros and am loving them. The fit and comfort is superb, and I can hangout in them all day no problem. They are my current shoe of choice for climbing outside.
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A native Vermonter and former bike and ski racer, Dan was involved in a bike accident that left him with a paralyzed right arm and other injuries. After moving to Colorado in August of 2013, Dan connected with Paradox Sports in June of 2014 has been hanging around since. Always at home in the mountains, Dan can be found skiing, hiking, and climbing with friends when ever possible. Although still a noob, he has an affinity for multi pitch slab climbing and is a “stalwart” of the Front Range Adaptive Climbing club. As an ambassador he looks forward to helping introduce and share with other all the great things he has experienced and gained since becoming a member of Paradox Sports. – Paradox Sports
[…] Boozan (read a full profile on Dan here) of Paradox Sports has been testing the Hail for […]