How To Clean Your Winter Outerwear
The solstice is upon us! It's time to celebrate the cold, and dawn the puffy jackets. Cleaning your winter jackets, snow pants, and other cold-weather gear correctly can keep them coming back for years to come.
The solstice is upon us! It's time to celebrate the cold, and dawn the puffy jackets. Cleaning your winter jackets, snow pants, and other cold-weather gear correctly can keep them coming back for years to come.
Building my own bike was honestly a very fun project, but it did have its trials and tribulations. It wasn’t smooth and I learned a lot.
Whether you’re a casual adventurer sticking to hiking local trails or an international traveler seeking the gnarliest ice climbs, there is a class (or three!) that can help you gain confidence before you head out.
If you’re thinking about trying to make turns all year, try it. Like most mountain sports, it’s a silly pursuit. But for those who do it, it’s another way to make meaning in the mountains, explore new places, and find…
Washing your puffy once a year is a great way to extend its longevity and keep it keeping you warm for seasons to come.
Paddling a canoe is a magical way to get out on the water. People of any fitness level can enjoy this easily adaptable activity on an inner city river, the ocean, or a neighborhood lake.
Like all hunting, the harvest is often the desired outcome, but admiring the new growth of spring, taking advantage of the longer days, and witnessing a strutting tom’s extravagant courtship ritual can become cherished rewards and lifelong memories.
My personal advice is to choose a bag that will suit the majority of your adventures
When it comes to protecting the outdoors, there are many ways to volunteer your time and effort. For all the time you spend exploring your favorite places, there are even more ways to give back. It’s important to support non-profits…