How to Foster a Mindset of Abundance in Your Outdoor Career
When it comes to leveling up your outdoor career, you want to make sure you’ve got all of your bases covered. It all starts with your mindset.
Simply put, if you believe in it, you’ll manifest it. No, it’s not some woo-woo speak, these are real, actionable things you can do to generate a better mindset towards your career.
Start by thinking that you’re in a space where you have everything at your fingertips and you’ll make better decisions. These decisions are made from a place of abundance, not fear or scarcity.
Here’s how to hit the ground running this year with your outdoor career.

Getting the Jobs You Want, Not Need
Be picky when you’re looking for your outdoor dream job. Yes, we all do need to start somewhere, and of course, it’s reasonable to be realistic, but don’t settle.
Approach your job search, raise, or job application for an in-house hire like you mean it. Think that you will get the job. Envision what it’s like.
Now leverage your awesome skill set. Take time to literally write down all of your experiences and how this makes you more qualified than the average Joe. Pump yourself up my friend, because this is how you get the job you want, not desperately need.
Head into an interview with confidence, and be willing to walk away if you just can’t seem to picture yourself there. It’s always okay to say no. There are other opportunities headed your way.
How to Goal Plan in a Time of Uncertainty
Planning in a time of uncertainty, simply sucks. Trust me, I get it – I’m a freelancer. Sometimes it feels like I’m just clinging to the handlebars and holding on for dear life and 2020 was the essence of that.
But you know what? You can plan.
Take a step back. Now take a deep breath. What is it you want out of this year?
What are you looking to achieve? Dream big my friend, it’s all possible.
Now come up with actionable steps to get there. Your goals and steps should have a purpose, timeline, and measurable results.
For example, maybe you want to book more clients with your guiding services. Brainstorm some fun ideas for unique experiences. Level up your certs. Then promote your new idea like crazy. All of these steps have measurable actions and can be put on a timeline.
Either way, you can absolutely plan in a time of uncertainty. Stick to plans and goals that YOU have control over. And don’t take “no” for an answer.
Remember, expect roadblocks. If it were really this easy, then everyone would be doing it.
The Importance of Self-Care in the Outdoor Industry
As outdoor pros, it’s easy to really feel the burnout. Before you go into this year, think about when you feel most exhausted. Is it a time of day? Time of year?
Schedule in some self-care time. If you’re particularly bad at self-care, literally put it in your calendar and stick to it. Do it as far in advance as possible.
Getting wrapped up in the hustle is so easy, so don’t fall victim to burn-out.
Create a routine that embodies hard work and self-care. For example, if you’re on a multi-day grueling shift doing fire maintenance bring along some Gnarly Hydration Mix and pack your Pachamama CBD Pain Relief Cream.
Then carve out time each evening just for you. Stretch out on your Jade Yoga mat to relieve the aches and pains of manual labor. Refuel with a delicious drink and apply some cream. This ritual will leave you feeling utterly refreshed – even when you’re miles from a spa.
Think outside the box for self-care and ensure that you have some time to recharge your batteries.

Tips for Working Through a Difficult Conversation With a Boss or Coworker
Manifesting a positive mindset doesn’t mean that conflict won’t arise in the workplace. In fact, if you’re the type of person who is really acting towards changing your mindset, your attitude shift may cause a wave or two.
This is okay. The only way to continue to manifest abundance is to remember your boundaries. Laying down boundaries is almost always met with resistance.
Consider bringing up a tricky issue by asking to speak with your supervisor. Preface the conversation with validating statements that put the person in a position of feeling at ease. Then frame the problem using I statements. Don’t accuse your colleagues, instead, focus on your position and how it makes you feel. Let them know that you have boundaries and that these boundaries need to be met in order to ensure mutual respect.
You’ll find you have a more fruitful conversation this way. Avoid finger-pointing and instead, work towards a solution that works for both of you.
This year is YOUR year. It’s time to rock your outdoor career and manifest more with amazing mindset tips that will keep you on the right track this year.

About the Gear Tester
Meg Atteberry is a full-time freelance writer and outdoor enthusiast. Her mission is to empower others to get outside and have an adventure. She loves a sunny crag and delicious trail snacks. When she’s not wordsmithing you can find her hiking, climbing, and mountaineering all over the world with her fiancé and adventure pup, Nina. To learn more about Meg, check out her blog Fox in the Forest. She’d rather be dirty than done up.