Outdoor Prolink’s Non-Profit Partners
Above image: Paradox Sports
These four non-profits below are near and dear to our hearts at Outdoor Prolink. From helping communities in Nepal who were devastated by the earthquake (dZi Foundation) to keeping our trails cleaner at home (Leave No Trace), there’s something here everyone can get behind. Now we’ve made it possible for our pros to donate a dollar or two (or $10 if you’re feeling generous!) at check out. Every dollar counts, and it’s a small price to pay for the warm fuzzies you’ll get in supporting your outdoor community. Plus, with all the money you’re saving on Prolink with your pro deals, why not kick a dollar or two of your beer fund over to these worthy organizations? We promise that there is at least one that will capture your imagination and pull at your heartstrings. Check ’em out:

Turning tragedy into positive change and inspiration: The catalyst for creating the Jonny Copp Foundation was the tragic loss of three extraordinary individuals, Jonny Copp, Micah Dash, and Wade Johnson. They lost their lives in an avalanche on an expedition in Tibet in 2009.
The spontaneous outpouring from the around the globe created a mandate for sharing and continuing their work. The Foundation strives to keep their memory and dreams alive. They will remind us that our lives are precious and brief and that each of us has the power to realize our dreams and make a positive contribution to the world.
We are a non profit organization dedicated to providing opportunities to bring creative expression and adventure to life. We will accomplish this by offering grants, outreach programs, exhibits, and a forum that stimulates individual creativity, intellectual promise, respect for our environment, and the spirit of adventure.
Our goal is to enable individuals to realize their full potential while creating positive change around the world. – Jonny Copp Foundation
The dZi Foundation was formed in 1998 by long-time mountaineers Kim Reynolds and Jim Nowak as a means of giving back to the Himalayan communities that inspired their adventures.

They have since honed their programs and focus on improving quality of life and reducing poverty in some of the most remote communities in Nepal. – dzi Foundation

Paradox Sports seeks to recognize and foster an individual’s potential and strength, defying the assumption that people with a physical disability can’t lead a life of excellence.
We provide inspiration, opportunities and specialized adaptive equipment so that anyone is able to be an active participant in human-powered sports. – Paradox Sports
Read reviews and pro profiles by Paradox Sports Ambassadors Craig DeMartino and Dan Boozan on Dirtbag Dreams here
The member-driven Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics teaches people of all ages how to enjoy the outdoors responsibly and is the most widely accepted outdoor ethics program used on public lands. Through relevant and targeted education, research and outreach, the Center ensures the long-term health of our natural world.
In its simplest form, Leave No Trace is about making good decisions to protect the world around you – the world we all enjoy. Do your part to pass our nation’s heritage of outdoor recreation to future generations by joining us. – Leave No Trace
Thanks you for your support!
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